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Simulation for Disaster Risk Reduction, Resiliency & Training

ALTS' ARTEMIS Computer Simulation Platform is a highly effective, highly realistic system for training responders, leaders, and their staff to work together effectively during disasters, incidents and emergencies.  It is a web-based tool that allows users to build completely customizable scenarios for building and testing of plans, training users on these plans, and measuring user and team performance as they train in these scenarios. 


It is acknowledged that computer simulation training is the most realistic way to train crisis communication, decision making and planning, aside from an actual event.  Airline pilots train extensively using simulation to ensure they are ready for any eventuality, and our DRR teams should prepare the same way.

Simulation for Training

Computer Simulation brings experiential learning to training. Aristotle said, "What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I DO I understand."  It is important for responders and leaders to understand their role in the big picture and how to effectively manage complex and stressful events.  Being able to practice prior to an event is one important key to success, and computer simulation supports this.

Practical Exercises

Students can easily build computer simulation exercises as homework to study complex effects as part of a thesis.  They can work together to see how the resources, time and space come together to impact an event or response.

Remote Training

ARTEMIS is a web-based application that can be deployed on any phone, notebook or tablet.  All that is needed is good Internet access.  Users learn how to operate the system in minutes using the included onboarding and training.

Functional Training

Students can play actual roles within the simulation, so they not only learn what is supposed to occur, but also gain practical experience.  The best time to learn how to handle a disaster or emergency is before.  Not during the event, itself.

Disaster Risk Reduction Training

Practice makes perfect, but how does one practice for an incident, disaster or emergency?  Computer simulation allows the DRR team to work together in a realistic scenario to test processes and procedures, to ensure there are enough resources, and to practice communicating, all while receiving realistic feedback. This training environment not only gives the team valuable experience responding to events that haven't occurred yet, but also lets the whole team understand their role in the big picture.  Simulation training is cost effective and allows clients to train on any internet connected device.  Teams can train for major events or even conduct 15 minute individual micro-training events at the start of shift.  

Leader Training

Leaders, including public officials have a vital role during emergencies.  They must effectively control the response, make decisions, plan and communicate, while lives are at stake.


Leaders need specialized training so they can understand and manage all of the complexities around emergency and disaster response. Computer simulation allows them to train in a private, safe environment with realistic feedback prior to joining the rest of the DRR team training.

Online Resource Catalogue

When disaster strikes, you need to know what skills, resources, and equipment are available, where they are located, and who to contact for deployment.  ARTEMIS provides an online resource catalogue that helps the DRR team manage and update this vital information.

Installation Power Buggy Rental


ARTEMIS allows clients to classify, manage and geo-locate any types and quantities of resources and equipment.  These are easily plotted on the map and the DRR team can search  for the equipment by name or type and find out how where it is, and how to get access.

Making Magic


The public often have special skills that can be vital during an emergency.  ARTEMIS allows the DRR team to catalogue these skills and contact information so they can find the expert needed, without delay.

Image by marianne bos


Knowing who needs extra help prior to a disaster can ease suffering and improve outcomes.  With ARTEMIS DRR teams can catalogue people with special requirements and plan their assistance prior to an event or emergency.

Emergency Response Plan Testing and Evaluation

An emergency response plan should be a living document, but most of the time these sit in a binder on the shelf. When an emergency happens, no-one has the time to read through and understand the plan - it has to be in the mind of the leaders and responders.  Computer simulation is a way to visually build a plan so that it is immediately understandable, test the plan to ensure it works, and train leaders, staff and responders so everyone knows their role, responsibilities and activities during an emergency.

Operational Improvement

What gets measured, gets managed. The problem is that complex activities are difficult to measure. Computer simulation provides vital measurement, which allows for improvement of individuals, teams and processes.

Image by Tobias Rehbein

Individual Performance

Simulation provides realistic feedback and measurement as individuals participate in computer simulation exercises.  They are given individual feedback and remeasured during a future training event.

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Team Performance

Simulation measures how the team works together to accomplish disaster response goals and objectives.  The team is given feedback and a performance improvement prescription.

Emergency Vehicles

Resource Management

How to you know that the response resources are adequate?  Simulation allows DRR teams to measure the effectiveness of current or future vehicles and equipment to ensure they have the capacity to respond.

+1 (403) 809-9283


Calgary, AB, CANADA

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